- General
- Child
- Adolescent
- Developmental Disorders
- Canadian Council on Social Development
- Site provides statistics, reports, and reviews of issues concerning issues social development relevant to Canadians. There is an entire section devoted to the meaning of cultural diversity in Canada.
- Dr. William Pollack
- This site is supplementary to Dr. William Pollack's book, "Real Boys: Rescuing Our Sons From the Myths of Boyhood". There are links to a great page called "Advice From Real Boys' Voices" which includes advice on topics such as depression and bullying.
- Emotional Intelligence Site
- "The information on this independent site covers everything from the academic and corporate definitions of emotional intelligence to articles on parenting, relationships and emotional and sexual abuse."
- Gender Gallery
- Site highlights popular media related to issues of gender and sexual orientation. It also provides links to online discussions, organizations, and resources.
- Temperament.com
- "This Page is about behavioral individuality in infants, children and adults. It is intended as a clearinghouse for research and practical information about temperamental characteristics to be used by parents, students, professionals and others who have an interest in temperament".
- The Jean Piaget Society
- Interdisciplinary group dedicated to exploring the developmental construction of human knowledge.
- Attachment Research Center
- This site provides information about Bowlby's theory of attachment, the controversies associated with his theory, preverbal communication, attachment, aggression, and psychotherapy.
- Attachment Theory and Research at Stony Brook
- This is a University of Stony Brook site and it reviews the Bowlby-Ainsworth studies on attachment theory. It also provides links to attachment research, literature, and resources.
- Fetal Development Overview
- Site provides an outline of the events that occur in fetal development. It includes images and an animation of a developing fetus.
- Social and Emotional Development Milestones
- Site provides a summary of children's self awareness and of their ability to interact with others at various ages.
- Society for Research in Adult Development
- "The international membership of the Society for Research in Adult Development includes people from all disciplines who are interested in positive adult development. Positive adult development refers to development starting in late adolescence and continuing through life. The focus is on expanded capabilities and changes that improve the quality of life.".
- The Visible Embryo
- This site offers a visual and written description of abnormal and normal development of a human embryo from conception to birth.
- More Girls Experience Early Puberty
- In recent years, more girls have been experiencing puberty. This article discusses a couple of possible explanations as well as the implications that early puberty has on young girls.
Developmental Disorders
- Asperger Syndrome
- Site provides information, papers, articles, and links to other web sites concerning Asperger Syndrome. Asperger Syndrome is characterizes people who "[have] normal intelligence and
language development, but who also [exhibit] autistic-like behaviors and marked deficiencies in social and communication skills."
- Childhood Neurodevelopmental Dysfunction and Learning Disorders
- Article touches on the problems children have with attention, memory, language, organizational skills, neuromotor functioning, and social cognition.
- Internet Resources for Special Children
- Site provides many Internet resources for many types of developmental and learning disabilities.
- Nonverbal Learning Disorders on the Web
- Site provides information and resources about nonverbal learning disorders.
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