Athabasca University Symbol AU Centre for Psychology
AUPR Main Page

Academic Content Sites
Abnormal, Clinical, and Counselling
Behaviour Analysis and Learning
Biological and Physiological
Career Development
Demonstrations and Tutorials
Educational and Instructional
History of Psychology
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Industrial and Organizational
Psychology and Law
Research Methods and Statistics
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Sport Psychology

Other Useful Sites
Departments of Psychology
Extracurricular Sites
Mega Sites
Resources for Psychology Majors
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Writing Resources
Psychology Glossary

Behaviour Analysis and Learning


Classical and Operant Conditioning

Also see the Educational and Instructional Psychology list for additional behaviour analysis links.

Behavior Analyst Online
The membership site offers eJournals, eNewsletters, and the opportunity to participate in online discussion forums.
Conversations with Neil's Brain
A web book about "the neural nature of thought and learning.".
Los Horcones
Wonderful home page of the Mexican commune that is based on behavioral principles; extensive pages, in both Spanish and English, include many photos, and interesting descriptions of life at the commune, and thoughtful philosophical reflections.
Memory: A Contribution to Experimental Psychology
This article is about Ebbinghaus' famous experiment about memory and learning.
The Misbehavior of Organisms
Article discusses the Brelands' experiences with instinctive drift.

Classical and Operant Conditioning

Learning and Memory
Site provides information about classical conditioning, operant conditioning, learning, neural networks, and more.
Operant Conditioning
Site describes various features of operant conditioning such as schedules of reinforcement, matching, extinction, and stimulus discrimination.

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