Olfactory Bulbs

Figure 19a: Anterior Commissure | Basal Ganglia | Central Fissure | Cerebral Cortex | Corpus Callosum | Hippocampus | Lateral Fissure | Lateral Ventricles | Longitudinal Fissure | Temporal Lobes
Figure 19b: Cerebellum | Frontal Lobe | Longitudinal Fissure | Medulla | Olfactory Bulbs | Optic Nerves | Spinal Cord | Temporal Lobe

Part 1: Image-Mapped Tutorial
Part 2: Matching Self-Test: 19a | 19b
Part 3: Multiple-Choice Self-Test

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The Olfactory Bulbs are also known as cranial nerve I. These structures, found on the ventral surface of the brain, contain a collection of chemical sensory receptors that encode information about the smells around us. The olfactory bulbs are discussed in greater detail in Tutorial 30.