
Figure 19a: Anterior Commissure | Basal Ganglia | Central Fissure | Cerebral Cortex | Corpus Callosum | Hippocampus | Lateral Fissure | Lateral Ventricles | Longitudinal Fissure | Temporal Lobes
Figure 19b: Cerebellum | Frontal Lobe | Longitudinal Fissure | Medulla | Olfactory Bulbs | Optic Nerves | Spinal Cord | Temporal Lobe

Part 1: Image-Mapped Tutorial
Part 2: Matching Self-Test: 19a | 19b
Part 3: Multiple-Choice Self-Test

Return to main tutorial page

The Medulla is the most posterior portion of the brain and is located just anterior to the spinal cord. Additional information about the medulla is provided in Tutorial 16 and Tutorial 20.