Bipolar Neuron

Intro | Unipolar Neuron | Bipolar Neuron | Multipolar Neuron | Multipolar Interneuron

Part 1: Image-Mapped Tutorial
Part 2: Matching Self-Test
Part 3: Multiple-Choice Self-Test

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Two branches leave the cell body of a Bipolar Neuron. In this neuron, the dendritic tree emerges from one end of the cell body, while the axon emerges from the opposite end. The dendritic branching of bipolar neurons is typically limited, and the axons of such neurons are usually short in length. Bipolar neurons are often sensory neurons associated with receptor organs of the visual and auditory systems. The narrow fields created by the short dendrites of these neurons underlie the concise encoding of visual and auditory information representing physical signals from the external world. Without this narrow encoding of sensory information, the resolution of vision and hearing would be reduced.