
Intro | A-Delta Fiber | C Fiber | Somatosensory Cortex | Midbrain | Midline Nucleus of the Thalamus | Ventrobasal Nucleus of the Thalamus | Descending Neural Pathway | Spinal Cord | Thalamus

Part 1: Image-Mapped Tutorial
Part 2: Matching Self-Test
Part 3: Multiple-Choice Self-Test

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As it does for all of the senses except olfaction, the Thalamus serves as a processing and relay center for information representing tactile stimulation. The Ventrobasal Nucleus of the Thalamus is the first processing point for information conveyed by the A-delta fiber pain pathway. Signal processing leading to the sensation of sharp and immediate pain occurs here. The Midline Nucleus of theThalamus is the first processing point for information conveyed by the C fiber pain pathway. Signal processing leading to the sensation of burning and aching sensations associated with long-standing tissue damage occurs here.


The ventrobasal nucleus and midline nuclei of the thalamus act to process and relay impulses from the body to somatosensory cortex. They are usually referred to collectively as the ventroposterior lateral nuclei. The ventrobasal nucleus projects to both somatosensory cortex and the anterior (front) portion of cingulate gyrus.