The spinoreticular tract ___________________.
![](/icons/q_mark2.gif) |
![](../quiz_a_off.gif) |
is a part of the dorsal-column medial-lemniscal somatosensory system; |
![](../quiz_b_off.gif) |
projects to the parafasicular nucleus and intralaminar nucleus of the thalamus; |
![](../quiz_c_off.gif) |
is a part of the anterolateral system; |
![](../quiz_d_off.gif) |
both alternatives a and b are correct; |
![](../quiz_e_off.gif) |
both alternatives b and c are correct; |
INCORRECT - Although this statement is correct, a better alternative is provided.
[Review Part 1 of the tutorial]
[Review Part 2 (Matching) of the tutorial]